Meet Our Team!

Almost every item in the kitchen starts from Ashlin’s work station. She preps our cake bases, mixes the cookie dough, shapes the treats, and more. In her free time, Ash is either playing an insane amount of tennis, or spending hours in bed with her cat on her tummy. Will often come into the studio with baked goods for everyone, 10/10. 


Baxon straddles the kitchen and the computer; he sharpens our knives to keep our fingers safe, and brings our ideas to life with his technical know-how. If you see a cute graphic on our website or products, it’s thanks to him. When he’s not at work, he’s probably either busy trying to chase a motorcycle license, or sparring with someone in the MMA gym. 


Dionne comes to work excitedly every so often with a hare-brained idea that may or may not come to fruition. She’s responsible for turning human goodies into their pet-friendly versions, and when anxious will squat in front of the oven to watch a new recipe develop. Outside of work, she enjoys spinning around a metal pole, lifting heavy things, and spending too much time on the internet. 


Without Gazel, the studio would probably fall into a downward spiral of a disorganised chaos. She makes sure our pantry, freezers and shelves are kept well-stocked, and keeps things moving along efficiently on a daily basis. A born engineer, Gazel comes up with the most brilliant mcgyver solutions for our uncommon problems. On her days off, you can find her gaming or reading on her kindle, surrounded by her ever-growing popmart collection. 


Noodles graces us with her presence once in a blue moon, and we are lucky to get to feed her treats. On an extra special day, we may be allowed a little cuddle. If you meet her and feel like she’s judging you, she probably is - don’t take it personally, she judges everybody. She enjoys brain games, other people's food, and tearing water bottles apart. 


Ryan anchors our team from Scotland; if you’ve emailed us, you’ve probably exchanged pleasantries with him. He ensures the team is kept up to date with order changes, answers your questions, and arranges for your deliveries to reach you safe and sound. When he’s off duty, he can be found climbing rocks, paddling rivers, or stalking cute cocker spaniels on the streets of Glasgow.